The Numbers Are Staggering

 I’ve worked so long with domestic violence and women’s  issues, that I forget that there people that don’t know (or admit) how prevalent DV is. “We” think it happens to “Them”. “It” is personal and none of our business. 

All of this thinkng is false and it’s only in recent years that we are finally talking about the numbers.


Are you shocked? We all should be. And here’s something more shocking. This number is low because the majority are of these assaults are not reported.

So here I am at this worldwide conference about the status of   women. And now I’m wrapping my head around new sets of  numbers: 

  • Women are 50% as likely to be online
  • Only 15% of STEM jobs are held by women
  • In low/middle class countries, women are 10% less likely to have basic cell phone and 26% less likely to have a smart phone.

However, women perform at least as well or better than men in grades and job performance in technology fields. What’s holding them back? Unfair stereotypes. Girls have been led to believe that they are less suited to math and sciences.

Until women are involved in the development of technology, the field will be intrinsically biased

On that note, I saw a play in Denver before I left on this trip called Laughs in Spanish. One of the lines that got a laugh involved characters with very strong Spanish accents trying to get Google’s “Alexa” to understand their commands. It was humorous until

I got here and learned that AI (Artificial Intelligence) development is dominated by men, so there is a built in bias in AI technology.

GOT DAUGHTERS? Foster any predilection for math and science school  we can level the playing field!

Other workshops dealt with how we encourage young men to free themselves from unfair gender-based expectations;; How to work for peace across the world and what some countries are doing to level the technology playing field with women.

Lastly, I heard from three brave women making pleas on behalf of the women in their countries who are facing terrifying persecution- Afghanistan, Iran and Myanmar.

Phew! It’s been intense. Thanks for your support!


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