We’re Fixated on the Wrong Freedoms

Happy International Women’s Day!  

Even before making this trip, particularly exacerbated by COVID,  I’ve been frustrated by the growing cacophony of voices in America wailing and gnashing their teeth that their freedoms are being taken away.

“Don’t force me to (fill in the blank), I have a right to (fill in the blank), “they’re” taking away my freedoms!  Somewhere along the line, civility has gone out the window and our streets and airwaves are filled with protesters screaming at anyone who doesn’t share their politics/faith/traditions. Americans of all stripes are now martyrs being oppressed by the OTHER.

We all grew up believing that America was the model for Freedom around the world. But for the last few years I’m becoming more and more convinced that our “freedoms” will be the death of Democracy. I know, I know, I’m speaking in hyperbole, but I don’t think i’m too far off.

This week, I’ve heard hair-raising stories of women whose lives are impacted daily by oppression. Young girls forced to marry older men who rape them daily. Women whose sisters have been “disappeared” and not heard from again. Schools who no longer allow a girl to get an education, and girls whose genitals have been mutilated so that they have no option to get sexual gratification. The list goes on. 

So tell me again how your personal freedoms are in jeopardy?  Today, I met with the Cuban Delegation to the UN and listened to the women tell us how women have equal rights guaranteed in their Constitution ( we do not, by the way). How 66% of the workforce is women, how 53% of their government positions are filled by women and how universities ar filled with women improving their status.

There is a concentrated effort in the US to undermine our local governments, churches and schools with people working to keep our country in the “Good Old Days” and want us to believe that science and knowledge poses a threat to our wellbeing. 

Power structures run by autocrats are diametrically opposed to democracy.  Freedom is not freedom when people groups are excluded. We have good thing going here in America. Let’s not destroy it!



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