It’s Not Just Who’s Around the Table, But who’s Deciding Who Sits There

I have listened to so many women's stories for a week. Some have been tragic tales of oppression or powerlessness. Ofhers are sharing their success stories about how they have made strides in acheiving equality, or "a place around the decision-making table". One young woman from India made a good point about such progress when she pointed out that just getting to the table is sometimes difficult when those with control keep them from taking their place there. If you know much about religious history, you would be aware that women in many ancient societies were the leaders in communities. That status has been usurped, most often by male leadership taking the power and relegating women to staying home and being under the control of men. As much as many men might fear letting go of power to share with women, for these societies with empowered women society as a whole gains. Men are able to share responsibility and it can be cathartic. To make strides we all need to have a seat at the table and have those hard conversations


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