An Amazing Experience


As things wrap up here in New York, I have so much to process. My last session was jarring, as we discussed female genital mutilation. What a way to go out, huh.? It is unbelievable that this practice still exists even after some countries have banned it. The survivors spoke openly about the trauma it has caused in their lives and their work to educate young girls and boys about it as there is a lot of ignorance about it. 

They called on religious leaders to speak out to lend credence to the fact that it is really not a part of the Muslim doctrine, but instead an ancient practice to control the lives of women. One of the survivors uses art to illustrate community practices as many in Somalia are illiterate. Others are acting as mentors to young women. This practice is in humane and must be stopped.

That’s the kind of two weeks I’ve had. I’ve seen brilliant young women taking a stand for improving their future by working for climate change. I’ve seen men who are working to change cultural norms on behalf of women. I’ve seen women who have lost loved ones to rape and torture. I’ve met women who risked their lives to attend this meeting.  I am changed. 

I grew up in the seventies in a rural West Texas town, mostly “protected” from the big bad world. But I followed closely the cultural revolution as it took place in other parts of the states. I started this blog out with a reference to the John Birch billboard in my hometown. I heartily disagree with its sentiment and am proud to have spent these two weeks listening and learning about the realities of life as a woman all over the world.

Now I go back to one of the reddest states in the US with a mission to convey what I’ve seen and heard. 

I will not shy away from the message. Its important to honor women and their lives. I hope people will listen. I hope eyes will be opened. I hope we can work together in mutual respect.

To those who helped me in my journey, thank you. We’re all in this together.


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